It is strongly recommended to travel with medical and assistance insurance. In case of medical emergencies or police situations, it is advisable to seek assistance at the hotel lobby or the nearest consulate or embassy. As always, it is convenient to consult with the competent authorities before traveling to obtain updated information on vaccination requirements and any other necessary security measures to enter Brazil.
There are no vaccines* required to enter Brazil. However, it is advisable to consult with the relevant authorities before traveling.
*In the case of yellow fever, Brazil recommends (not mandatory) vaccination against yellow fever if you are traveling to states and municipalities from the North and Midwest regions, for all municipalities of Maranhão and Minas Gerais, for municipalities located south of Piauí, west and south of Bahia, north of Espírito Santo, northwest of São Paulo and western states of Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. The vaccine must be taken ten days before your trip, as it is the necessary time for you to be protected against the disease. The recommendation is due to, in some forest areas of the country, there is a possibility that unvaccinated people become contaminated and become ill with yellow fever.
In general, Brazil is a safe country for visitors. However, it is recommended to avoid visiting suburbs of cities and favelas on your own, as they are considered high-risk areas due to violence. It is important to be cautious in this regard. These marginalized neighborhoods, known as «favelas,» are found in all major cities, especially in Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, São Paulo, and Brasília.
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